Monday, September 23, 2013

Free PDF Download - An Introduction to Digital Tables

Over the last couple of weeks we continue to be asked the key questions,  “what’s a digital table?” and “why do we need one”?

The demand and interest in digital tables is evident and increasing. From local libraries, to real estate agencies, to modern business boardrooms, it’s great to see how individuals and organizations are thinking forward and realizing the true value of creating a digitized, collaborative meeting space.

We have been working with digital tables since 2007 and are passionate about using technology that supports true “social” face to face communication. Digital tables, or digitables, provide a unified multi-user experience that enriches conversation and engagement.

To assist those considering enhancing their spaces, we have taken the time to put together a simple PDF document.

This FREE PDF document contains everything you should consider when implementing a digital table including,

- Number of touch points required – Find out what will give you a premium experience
- Screen Size and orientation – What’s best fit for your environment?
- Lighting – Is the hardware suitable?
- Multi-User Software - How do you enable multiple people to interact? What outcomes do you want to achieve?

And more!
If you have more questions regarding digital table solutions for your space, get in contact with us today. Email us directly at

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